Become a DCD dog sponsor and give a gift that is truly life-changing, meet your corporate social responsibility and make a partnership that supports our Veterans and connects the Defence Community.
Download the ‘Sponsor a DCD Dog’ Fact Sheet
Download the Sponsorship Application Form
A 30k dog sponsorship supports a DCD dog and their Veteran recipient for their time within the program.
Throughout the rescue and training of the dog, an 8-day in-person handover, continued online training, and welfare checks.
Partner with our Veterans to help them to rebuild - literally saving lives. In supporting DCD you are rescuing and rehoming a dog, helping inmates who train the dog to rehab (under the guidance of professional dog trainers), and providing a life-changing and life-saving dog, at no cost, to a serving or ex-serving Veteran who needs emotional and physical support for mood, anxiety and depressive conditions, including PTSD.
You’ll also receive:
• A fully tax deductible receipt, Welcome Letter and Sponsorship Certificate.
• A named patch on the dog jacket and a photo of dog from graduation.
• When your dog is ready for graduation you will receive a letter of notification;
and an invitation to attend the dogs graduation at your own / your companies cost/s.
• Regular program newsletters and 6 monthly updates for two years; including personal letters from your dog’s Veteran Recipient;
outlining the impact the dog has had on their lives, the lives of their family and their local community.
Corporate Sponsorships
Individuals and Companies who sign a commitment to sponsoring multiple dogs over a minimum of three years are eligible for arranging a Corporate Sponsorship - a tailored Sponsorship Program that includes personalised communications, and may include attendance of a Dog Graduation, opportunities for a workplace visit and staff engagement opportunities; including workplace giving and provision of articles for workplace communications. Enquire for Corporate Sponsorships today at marketing@dcdogs.com.au.
Make a WIN-WIN-WIN Sponsorship - One DCD dog sponsorship changes three lives.