Make a WIN-WIN-WIN Donation: Make a donation that helps three lives:
save a dog, rehab an inmate and help a Veteran rebuild - improving and often saving their lives.
Choose from a once off or monthly donation, or one of our tailored care packages.
See below for details. Your generosity will make a life-changing and life-saving difference.
The Defence Community Dogs program is entirely reliant on donations and sponsorships made through our guardian, registered charity, Defence Bank Foundation. ABN 19 814 426 820. 100% of donated funds are used to operate the Defence Community Dogs Program. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.
You can make a deposit directly into the ‘Defence Bank Foundation’ account. BSB: 833 205 Acct: 20336225.
(Individuals: please reference your first, surname and email / Companies: please reference your company name and email.)
Or choose from one of the donation packages below:
Once off and Regular Donations
Defence Community Dogs Program accepts once off or regular monthly donations and all donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Visit our GiveNow donation page below, and either enter in your preferred amount, or select a suggested amount below:
$20 - Grooming and Shiny Coat Supplies
$32 - Dog play and enrichment kits
$50 - Vet care and treatments
$85 - Feed a dog for a month
$110 - Supports the professional training program
Type in a chosen amount at the bottom of the donation box.
To make it a recurring donation, move the tab to monthly.
EOFY, Giving in kind or New Year’s Resolution Pledge
Think about the tax benefits of donating before the 30th June. Or maybe a new year’s resolution.
Make a gift that keeps on giving. For your self, as a gift or a company contribution.
Help DCD to keep improving the lives
of Veterans with PTSD.
One cent at a time.
One donor at a time.
One paw at time.
Together, we can achieve great things.