🐾 By choosing Defence Community Dogs as a recipient in your Will, you leave a legacy of life-changing, life-saving improvements in three lives. 🐾
Your impact becomes threefold - helping to rescue and rehome dogs, rehabilitate inmates who train the dogs, and improve and often save the lives of Australian Defence Force Veterans who need emotional and physical support for mood, anxiety and depressive disorders including PTSD.
Bequests and Wills
We thank you for considering Defence Community Dogs as a recipient in your Will.
All financial contributions to the Defence Community Dogs program are made via the Defence Bank Foundation; a registered independent charity with DGR status which raises funds to pay for its sole beneficiary, the Defence Community Dogs program. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. ABN 19 814 426 820
The current trustees of the Defence Community Dogs program, serving as Defence Bank Foundation Trustees, can be found here dcdogs.com.au/board.
The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission provides a summary profile of the Defence Bank Foundation, its fundraising and expenditure, which can be seen here. It provides evidence to the fact that 95% of funds are thanks to volunteers and the major sponsor Defence Bank pays most administration costs used for program delivery.
To ensure that your intentions are correctly followed, it is important to word your Will or codicil correctly. A suggestion of this wording is included below:
“I bequeath <insert> percent of my residual Estate / the sum of $ <insert> / specific item(s) <insert> to Defence Community Dogs via 'The Trustee For The Defence Bank Foundation' (ABN 19814426820) free of all duties and testamentary expenses. I declare that the receipt of the Board of Defence Bank Foundation Trustees of the said Organisation shall be a complete discharge to my Executors and Trustees for the moneys paid in accordance with this bequest.”
It is possible to leave a tied-gift, such as a $30K sponsorship of a dog for their time in the program. Speak with us if you would like this to occur.
We would welcome the opportunity to register your support within our records, and to thank you for your pledge.
Please notify us of your intention to included DCD in your Will, or contact us to request further information or if you have any questions. You can send an email by clicking on the button below.
Yours Sincerely,
The Defence Community Dogs Team.