When Lola met Mick
Meet Lola - the abandoned dog that helped save the life of a Navy Veteran. "It’s changed my life. It’s brought me back to the person I used to be. This program is just absolutely amazing. I wouldn’t be here today without it. Lola was one day off being euthanased and now she has saved my life."
Transforming Lives
See how the Defence Community Dogs program is transforming lives,
giving dogs a second chance at life, helping to rehabilitate inmates and improving and saving the lives of Veterans.
Support our Veterans
A message from our Defence Community Dogs. Kozzi, Otis, Zac and team are improving and saving the lives of serving and ex-serving ADF Veterans, all across Australia - but they need your help.
The program is entirely reliant on donations and sponsorships made through the Defence Bank Foundation. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. ABN 19 814 426 820
Support those who protect us
Defence Bank Foundation is a registered independent charity which raises funds to pay for its sole beneficiary, the Defence Community Dogs program. It serves as Defence Bank’s philanthropic promise, to deliver more than simple banking and show its dedication to serving those who have served and continue to serve.