Defence Bank Update
DCD Program Graduation hosts Defence Bank Chair
Defence Community Dogs were delighted to host Chair of Defence Bank, Fran Raymond at the most recent graduation of dogs at the Bathurst Correctional Centre Honour House.
Graduation attendees witnessed a heartfelt handover of the Assistance Dogs into the hands of their Veteran Recipients; who will benefit from the dogs physical and emotional support for mood, depressive and anxiety disorders, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
The day is a mix of emotions - sympathy for the inmate handler who is gifting their best friend into the hands of the Veteran, and warming happiness for the Veteran who is receiving the life changing gift of the Assistance dog.
The Chair of the Defence Bank addressed the Veterans, Inmates, Correctional Services Staff and other guests. “I am immensely proud of Defence Bank, and our Foundation, for making the Defence Community Dogs program possible. It is a truly unique program that impacts so many lives.”
After training the dogs for more than 250 hours and supporting their Veterans through an eight day handover, the inmates hand the dog’s lead into their Veteran’s hands for a final time.
Managing Director of Defence Bank Foundation, Leanne Kyle, also acknowledged the efforts of the inmate trainers in preparing the dogs to meet the needs of their Veteran Recipients.
“Our gratitude to all of the inmate handlers for the impact their dedication will have on the Veteran’s lives. It is a powerful experience watching the Veterans be gifted their new Defence Community Assistance Dogs - knowing that they will be supported and that their lives will continue to improve with their new best friends by their side.”
Defence Bank Foundation is a registered independent charity which raises funds to pay for its sole beneficiary, the Defence Community Dogs Program.
You can help the program’s readiness to graduate more of our Veteran ready dogs by donating today. All our donations and sponsorships are processed through our program guardian,
the Defence Bank Foundation and are tax deductible.
ABN: 19 814 426 820.