Crowdraiser Feature

Sarah and Shep - Lighthorse Ultra 2022

This month’s inspiring community crowd fundraiser is Sarah in WA - who raised over $3500 in memory of her furry dog friend Shep Kaesler, who passed away in March.

Shep is celebrated for a happy life providing healing hugs, nuzzles, soulful smiles and compassionate companionship to all of his human family and friends - all noble qualities shared by our Defence Community Dogs.

In addition to acknowledging Shep, Sarah and Team Kaesler participated in the Lighthorse Ultra 2022 run by Ultraseries WA in April; a timed 24 hour running / walking loop event in the Northern Suburbs of Perth. Helping raise funds for and awareness of the program.

The Lighthorse Ultra 2022 is held annually as a show of respect and remembrance of those who have lost their lives whilst serving our country and those currently serving.

Defence Community Dogs would like to thank Sarah and her team for their support, but also acknowledge Sarah’s inspiring personal journey.  The last time Sarah had participated in the Lighthorse Ultra was the 12 hour event in 2019, where she ran around 96.5km.

For the previous six months, Sarah’s body had started breaking down (with low back and hip pain; falls during runs causing fractures; sharp pain down her legs with running) with no evident cause.

In March 2021, after several years of physio, sports doc visits, emergency room visits for broken bones, daily pain causing loss of function and a slow deterioration, Sarah simply couldn’t run at all, and struggled to get moving each day.

Sarah had a unilateral resection of an elongated transverse process in her spine and removal of a false joint which had become arthritic. The surgery came after she finally found a specialist who confirmed a diagnosis of Bertolotti’s Syndrome - a congenital condition which becomes symptomatic for most in their 30’s or 40’s, and causes significant degeneration of the spine and hips.

Fast forward 13 months to 23/24th April 2022 and after a year of rehab and conservative running, Sarah managed to run/walk 147km in 24 hours…a PB of 50km.

“ I feel deeply satisfied that I allowed myself to persist and get this event done…and I am beyond happy with the distance I managed to complete - a year ago I would never have imagined this possible. A year ago it still seemed uncertain if I would run at all again.”

“ I knew I needed to take a steady yet conservative approach to the 24 hours. My goals were to keep moving as much as possible for 24 hours; to enjoy the camaraderie of my team and the runners/vollies/supporters; and to embrace whatever the 24 hours would bring and whatever lessons I needed to learn.”

“So a fast hike with bits of running strategy got me to 100km…I was stoked to hit this milestone! The rest was a bonus!” “That I could reach 147km in 24 hours and fast hike much of this, absolutely blows my mind and reinforces that willingness to keep trying but also willingness to adjust self expectations and plans/goals are what gets us beyond our ‘limits’.”

“The realisation that the efforts of the past five years to work on my mind and my approach to setbacks has really made a difference.”

“Five years ago, I began to practice Mindful Self-compassion - a way of living that focuses on showing up for myself as a friend rather than a critic.”

“During the 24 hours, noticing the way I spoke to myself when I was struggling, and acting with self-kindness really kept me there and moving until the end.”

“This event had significance for our team Kaesler, seeing all the donations to Defence Community Dogs in memory of a beloved Shep. All the words of encouragement and solidarity.”

“Watching my father in-law Frank, a Vietnam Veteran read the Ode of Remembrance prior to race start , and then to go on to gain ultra marathon status, and the acknowledgement he deserves for his sacrifices and his service for our country.”

“This event is a visual example of people’s grit and determination in action. Triumph over personal struggles or loss, and the connection that community affords you.”

“It’s something I know a lot of Veterans face, struggling with mental and physical health challenges.”

“Aligning fundraising to an event or reason that is personal can motivate you to make a difference to your community and help raise funds for these incredible programs.”

“Linking my crowd fundraiser to an event and reason close to my heart inspired others around me to donate to and raise awareness of the Defence Community Dogs program; so that it can continue to improve the lives of those who have served our country.”

“It’s been a really fulfilling experience, working on my personal challenges, honouring Shep, raising money for the Defence Community Dog program, and acknowledging Veterans who have sacrificed so much for our country.”

To hold a crowd fundraiser in support of the Defence Community Dogs program, click here to visit Give Now. Select the ‘Start Fundraising’ button. Then search and choose ‘Defence Bank Foundation’ as the 'cause' of the fundraiser.

Defence Bank Foundation is a registered independent charity which raises funds to pay for its sole beneficiary, the Defence Community Dogs Program.
ABN 19 814 426 820


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